Le meilleur honneur animal est donné à un chien héros avec des pattes prothétiques qui ont survécu à des coups de feu pour sauver les autres


Un chien héros avec une jambe prothétique qui a survécu au tir pour sauver les autres remporte le prix du meilleur animal
Le Belge Malinois Kuno est sans doute la preuve que les chiens sont bien les meilleurs amis de l’homme.

La médaille Deakin, la plus haute distinction qu’un animal puisse recevoir dans l’armée britannique, a été décernée à un ancien chien de travail de l’armée britannique qui a subi des blessures qui ont changé sa vie alors qu’il aidait les forces spéciales britanniques dans la lutte contre al-Qaïda (PDSA).

En termes humains, c’est l’équivalent de recevoir la Croix de Victoria, la version britannique de la Medal of Honor.

Le chien militaire de quatre ans a été utilisé pour aider les troupes britanniques dans un raid sur une base d’al-Qaïda bien équipée.

Unfortunately, the commandos were blocked by a grenade and machine-gun fire from an insurgent who was hiding in the compound and using night vision goggles.

After British and Afghan soldiers were unable to maneuver without casualties, Kuno was tasked with breaking the deadlock.

After being released by his trainer, Kuno stormed the entrance to the compound and launched an attack on the insurgents. During the operation, Kuno neutralized a terrorist and discovered a hidden bomb.

Surprised by Kuno’s sudden arrival, the gunman fired into the darkness, injuring the dog’s two hind legs. Kuno continued to charge at the gunman, biting his arm and pinning him to the ground.

Although his paw was badly wounded, the dog continued to attack al-Qaeda fighters until the assault force entered the courtyard and cleared the building. Only then did he finally rest.

“His actions that day undoubtedly changed the course of an important mission, saving many lives in the process. He has consistently performed his duties despite a serious, life-changing injury,” McGraw said. Lin added in the press release.

“For this bravery and dedication to duty, we are proud to welcome him as the latest recipient of the PDSA Dickin Award.”

Unfortunately, Kuno was badly wounded in the back leg by bullets from al-Qaeda fighters, one of which nearly missed a major artery.

Kuno required several major surgeries to stabilize and return to the UK, although he received on-site life-saving care from paramedics in the back of the helicopter.
One of his hind legs was amputated to prevent a potentially fatal infection.

Amazingly, the brave dog has made a full recovery from surgery and is now the first British military working dog to be fitted with a bespoke prosthesis.

According to PDSA, he is “in good spirits and in good health”.

“I am delighted that Kuno has received the PDSA Dickin Medal,” British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said in a statement. “It is a tribute to his training, his unwavering bravery and his sense of duty to save lives that day. tribute.”

“I am very proud of the role our military working dogs play in domestic and international missions. Kuno’s story reminds us how much these creatures are willing to go to keep us all safe.”

During the height of World War II, Kuno was the 72nd recipient of the Dickin Medal since its establishment in December 1943.

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